Thursday, December 9, 2010

Uh oh no pay raise for you buddy.

The 27th amendment prohibits any law that increases or decreases the salary of members of the Congress from taking effect until the start of the next set of terms of office for Representatives. This means that all those fat lazy congressmen can't make themselves richer while they're still serving a term. I'm surprised an amendment like this was proposed.

I definitely don't think a guy like him needs a pay raise. I hope those kids pressed charges.

Yet another congressmen who doesn't deserve a pay raise, I'm glad he resigned from his position, drinking and driving is never ok.

You're barely legal, but you can vote!

The 26th amendment to the United States Constitution limited the minimum voting age to no more than 18. And when I turned 18 I made sure to get out and cast my vote for Obama!

Way to go out and vote young people!

The fiery passion to vote is strong even in Canada, way to go young people! Those poor kids that went all the way to supreme court still didn't get to vote, but atleast their voices were heard.

What do we do without a leader!?

The 25th amendment to the United States Constitution deals with succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities. Fear not because if we were to lose our President tomorrow then he'd be replaced by the Vice President.

Bet you can't remember who succeeded who.

I think its good that Obama sought advice from his predecessors, that way he won't repeat their mistakes.

I want to vote for free!

The 24th amendment eliminated poll taxes and other fees people might receive for voting. People barely vote as it is, so having a poll tax would just make things worse.

Those English really didn't like a poll tax either, good thing this amendment was ratified way back in 1964.

Well they were strongly against a poll tax. Don't pay a poll tax!

D.C. gets to vote now!

The 23rd amendment allows the people of D.C. to vote for electors for President and Vice President. Ah poor D.C. had to wait quite some time before they were able to vote.

Oh so that's what D.C. was missing out on all those years? I bet they're sure glad they get to vote now!

I wonder if D.C. decided to use their power to vote and voted for Bush?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You only get 8 years so make em count!

The 22nd amendment set term limits for the President. I like this amendment because it ensures that Bush will never run for president again because he's already had his two god awful terms as president. I dislike this amendment because I wish Bill Clinton could run for president again.

Ah 10 more reasons why Bush is an idiot.

Ah I can't believe so many people voted for that idiot, god I wish I was 18 when he was running for President, I would've voted for Gore and Kerry!

Alcoholics rejoice you have your liquor back!

The 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment and ended prohibition. Alcoholics across the nation rejoiced because they were able to get drunk legally again.

I bet it was a cold winter for those barrel busters because all that hard work they put into destroying barrels of liquor throughout the years was all for naught.

Were people really that happy to make alcohol again back in those days or was that just more government propaganda to get people to support the end of prohibition?